Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lax Her Essentials: Lacrosse Player New Year's Resolutions

Becky Lynch, North Carolina
My New Year’s resolution this year is to do something everyday for the pure benefit of someone else. I am a huge advocate of paying it forward so my thought is that if I do something kind or helpful to someone each day, they might continue the cycle and ultimately there would be more pure acts of kindness in the world. It’s a big dream to have but I’ve always believed that it’s the little things that matter most, and end up having the biggest impact on people.
Jasmine DePompeo, Navy
Every year I make a resolution to go to bed earlier or to get more sleep, but I usually am back to my old ways within a few weeks.
Marlee Paton, Loyola
I'm really bad at keeping New Years resolutions so there's no real point in making one!
Danielle Vivonetto, Navy
I don't usually make New Years resolutions. This year, however, I've put a bit more thought into my resolution. In 2012, I will make a conscious effort to ensure that I do not have any regrets when my lacrosse career comes to an end this May. I will make the most of every moment and make the best with what I have.
Taylor Hurwitz, New Hampshire
This year my New Year's resolution is to study hard and practice harder in preparation for the upcoming season! Before long you will be reporting all about UNH, as we plan on winning an American East Championship!!!
Denise Lenihan, William & Mary
My New Year's resolution this year is to travel more, at any possible opportunity. After briefly studying abroad in Italy, I have been yearning to go anywhere and everywhere, and there’s no time like the present. This is one resolution I will certainly be sure to stick with.
Kathy Young, Navy
This year I want to sleep more and drink less coffee. School has called for many late nights, but I know it would be better for me (and my wallet) to cut back on the coffee. Also, I know the coaches would be happier if I got more sleep!
Ana Heneberry, Loyola
My New Year's resolution is to go after everything I want this year. As a senior, there are so many opportunities for me when I graduate and so many things that I want to do. I want to push myself to reach my goals and keep pursuing new ones. Unfortunately, my resolutions to eat better and spend less money have not held up in the past, so hopefully I can pull through on this one!
Dominique Wright, Navy
My New Year's resolution is to take my play to another level. I will do whatever it takes to be a big defensive impact for my team. Whether it's doing extra ground balls, footwork, wallball or sprints after practice. Coming up on my third and probably final year of playing lacrosse, I can now say that I am completely comfortable out there and I am ready to show my opponents that I am not a track star on a lacrosse field, but that I am a laxer like everyone else.
Maggie Anderson, William & Mary
I don't normally make New Year's Resolutions, but if I did, I would say I would be pretty good at sticking to them. But this year, I'd say mine is to work as hard as I possibly can in my last four months as a college athlete in order to help my team win our conference championship. This is my last shot, so I'm going to do everything in my power to make it happen this year.
Beth Young, Navy
My New Year's revolution is to give up coffee. I am addicted! My entire paycheck goes to the coffee mess at school. Luckily, I am pretty good at sticking to resolutions once I set my mind to it, and I am confident that this one will stick, until exams roll around!

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